Conscious production fully dedicated to growing healthy food foods and environmental restoration

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To consume quality food, seeds play a fundamental role. Creole seeds cultivated for many generations are, by nature, genetically adapted to the place of production which makes them stronger, vigorously growing, resistant to diseases and insects. We preferably cultivate seeds from the Chapada dos Veadeiros region, passed from generation to generation and produced by family farmers. Part of our planting is intended for the genetic improvement of these native seeds, in which we select the most productive, vigorous and resistant specimens to carry out new plantings and multiply the seeds. Since 2016, Terra Booma has participated in the Seeds and Seedlings Fair, in Alto Paraíso de Goiás, to share and exchange species produced in the region, to preserve their continuity and availability, in addition to preserving the local history and heritage brought from the land.

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Tissue culture laboratory

A micropropagação de planta é um ramo da Biotecnologia, que permite reproduzir espécies em larga escala em um curto prazo de tempo e com alta qualidade. As plantas produzidas em laboratório mantém a carga genética original, totalmente livres de doenças e com grande capacidade produtiva. Isso permite o aceleramento da regeneração de florestas e biomas, proteção e conservação de espécies vegetais ameaçadas de extinção, ampliando os impactos positivos ao meio ambiente.

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The process begins by choosing a healthy parent plant from which the lateral buds containing the meristem, located between the stem and petiole of the plant's leaves, are removed.

The meristem or yolk is inoculated in a culture medium, where the micro and macronutrients necessary for its development are contained, as well as all the vitamins.

Once stabilized, the plant receives phytohormones necessary for its growth and development until it is able to leave the in vitro environment and go to the greenhouse acclimatization phase, where it adapts to the natural environment it will live in, until it is ready to be planted straight into the ground.

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